Step Up
Spotify Wrapped is a well-known and successful marketing campaign that significantly impacts the brand. This analysis examines the campaign from three perspectives: 1) Brand: its influence on Spotify's identity; 2) Buzz: the social media engagement it generated; and 3) Behavior: the user behaviors it inspired. This exploration provides a deeper understanding of the campaign's effectiveness and its powerful impact.
Oct 2024
Entrepreneur Idea
Group Member
Elfie Chang, Lucy Lu, Allison Tu, Aiyah Obeid
Students find hard to secure an internship/ junior job with insufficient exprience and lack of opportunity of self-expressing.
Hiring manager have limited time to go over resumes manually, and it’s too time-consuming to do all the interviews one by one.
The Problem
Research:Job Seekers
Research:Hiring Managers
Our Solution
Like Tinder,
Only it hooks you up with jobs
or the perfect candidate, if you’re HR
Job Seeker
Daisy is an international student who just graduated from USC. She has a bachelor degree in communication however struggles to find a job providing U.S. Visa. She is fun, smart and collaborative but lack of internship experience in U.S.
Dasiy Hua
She is in desperate need of a job
Get Interview opportunities
See progress in her job hunting process
Hard to showcase her personality through resume
After she apply to a job, rarely did she gets an interview invitation
If she is not able to land a job in U.S, she will have to go back to her home cuntry
Catherine is a junior human resource operator in a mid-size tech company. She is a very compassionate person that went into HR because of her eager to get to know people and put them in the right place. She finds it hard to do so as she begin her career.
Catherine White
Find a more humane way of recruiting
Quickly know if a person is a fit
Get to know more people
The current HR system eliminated too many possibilities.
Vibe fit is very essential while the current procedure takes too long to do so.
User Interface - Job Seeker Side
How does StepUp Address Market Needs
Job Seeker Side
Limited Self Expression
Highlight Video
Lengthy Interview Process
Interview in one click
Limited Feedback
Immediate Data-based Feedback
User Interface -
Human Resource Side
How does StepUp Address Market Needs
HR Side
Time Consuming Screening Process
AI automated screening
Hard to Assess Cultural Fit
AI Analysis and Detection
Lengthy Initial Interview
Auto-Edited Interview Video